
Showing posts from October, 2020

Belmont Sauce-- Your Hamburgers will love you

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Refrigerator Pickles

  Take the marinated cucumbers recipe. Pack the veggie you want (cucumbers are just the start!) in a jar. Pour the hot vinegar mix over the veggies. Close the jar and let the jars cool down on the counter. Stow in the fridge for 1-3 days. Then consume. Yum! I love not only cucumbers, sweet peppers, and green beans.Next month I intend to try cauliflower. Let me know what you try.


I've heard so many say, “When Biden is elected, I'll be so happy. This nightmare will be over.” True. The nightmare will be over, but the work begins now, whether he wins or not. Today is yesterday's future. We plan and execute the future every morning when we open our eyes to begin the day. It's true we won't have an administration that hinders and even destroys reasonable, common-sense things like respecting medical advice to wear masks to stop a pandemic, and enacting controls to stop climate change because you respect the scientists. Well, maybe we will still have that administration, but we see the common sense, and we still have hands and voices. We can still take along a trash bag and clean up a beach or trail as we enjoy it. We can wear masks and demand others do the same. (It's time to stop being polite about it.) We can vote with our wallets and buy American. We can shop at the small businesses we choose to support. We can stop mowing useless lawns on...