What Should Be in a Death Letter of Intent
A letter of intent should never replace a will, but it can help supplement or update a will. It can provide information such as "Beneficiary X has died, so Beneficiary B has now become the sole heir of all my jewelry" and "My beloved kitty Luna has passed on. There is no need for a provision for her care in the will." As long as you update your letter of intent annually, it can serve to save a lot of money rather than updating the will, and can keep locations of documents, lists of beneficiaries, and debt information much more accurate. This can save endless pain and conflict between family members because it is an accurate, up-to-date proof of your wishes, where things are, and can serve to assist your friends and family in easing the pain of having to deal with what's left of your stuff after you're gone. We all have stuff, and while it's precious to us, 90% of it is junk to someone else. There's also the problem of internet security and identi...