How to Make Bias Tape-- A Scrap Buster to Love
Bias Tape- Love it or hate it, you have to have it when you quilt or sew. Well-meaning friends often give a quilter/sewer lots of scrap fabric, whether it's suitable for quilting or not. I have received bags full of absolutely stunning high-quality wedding silks, a footlocker full of grandma's table linens, and an entire 18-gallon tote of upholstery fabric. Then again, I also have my own Mount Scrapmore. I can't bear to throw away anything larger than 2-1/2" wide. It's still useful. I confess I hated making bias tape. That was one of the reasons I stopped quilting. I always screwed up the angles making bias tape until Dave found this method below. Within a day, I was zooming through my scraps making all the bias tape out of all the 2-1/2" strips I'd been holding onto for years. If my cats hadn't practiced their interference mastery skills by laying all into my piles (sorted by color) I probably would have been falling asleep at the sewing machine. ...