Rubba Scrubba to the Rescue!

I love, love, love my Rubba Scrubba from This has to be one of the all-time great things about being a Flybaby. (Don't you dare call me a maggot!) FlyLady just posted this list of all they can do. I've cleaned dishes, removed pet hair from furniture and crevices, and dusted my lampshades using mine.

Rubba Scrubbas to the Rescue!

Cleaning window screens

Cleaning vegetables

Cleaning dishes

Cleaning mud/etc. off the bottom of shoes

Sweeping up broken glass

Sweeping up dust around baseboards

Brushing off carpeted stairs

Cleaning fan and hairdryer vents

Cleaning grill vents

Scrubbing out yucky garbage cans

Picking up pet hair

Rubbing/combing your pet


Sweeping dirt out of tent

Brushing snow off of clothing

Brushing up lint (especially velvet lint)

Cleaning Dryer Lint screen

Cleaning lamp shades

Cleaning blinds

Cleaning window sills

Cleaning the divots and grooves in tile and linoleum

Cleaning dust off of ball caps

Cleaning crevices in paint

Scrubbing spots on carpet

Cleaning sticky dough out of bowls

Cleaning out bottles and jars

Scrubbing dust off of baskets

Cleaning silk off of ears of corn

Cleaning crumbs from between keyboard keys

Cleaning bathtub

Cleaning paint trays, paint rollers and paint brushes

Cleaning carseat covers and straps

Cleaning upholstery

Scrubbing stains from clothing

Cleaning coils on refrigerator

Cleaning slats in roll-top desk

Cleaning cheese grater

Cleaning glass shower doors

Cleaning algae from fish pond

Cleaning stuffed animals

Cleaning scuff marks on walls

Cleaning car mats

Cleaning bathroom fan

Cleaning robot vacuum

Brushing sand off of feet

Scrubbing stove top


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