Easy and Cheap Potting Mix

 Ever watched those gardening shows where they use bags of expensive soil mix and fertilizer add-ins? Can you spot the sponsors? Yeah, those expensive soil mixes and fertilizer manufacturers. I'm too cheap for that. 

Here's my formula. Note that it's measured in "PARTS" not ounces, pounds, cubic meters, or whatever. I use a bucket. I recommend using sunglasses and gloves. Perlite is very dusty and gets in your eyes. Gloves just protect your hands and manicure. 

The links included are simply to give you an idea of cost and size available, not necessarily a recommendation to buy that product. 

3 parts peat moss Fafard Sphagnum Peat Moss 3Cf Organic Peat Moss Moisture Control in the Soil Amendments department at Lowes.com

3 parts compost Black Kow 1 Cubic Foot Organic Compost and Manure Provides Organic Nutrients in the Soil Amendments department at Lowes.com

1 part perlite. Arctic Gro 4-cu ft Organic Perlite Improves Soil Structure in the Soil Amendments department at Lowes.com

I mix it by buckets full in my wheelbarrow and push it to where it needs to go. Done. 


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