Piccalilli is pretty darn old. I was able to trace this recipe back at least 100 years. It's probably much older than that, since it's a way to preserve vegetables from the garden in a "pickle", which is the easiest type of preservation method, requiring no special equipment other than good quality preserving jars and lids. However, I do recommend picking up a set of canning tools for safety's sake. The recipe below is from a Kerr Bottle Company preserving book from the early part of the 20th century. Terms to Know: A peck is 8 dry quarts or 16 pints. Four pecks make a bushel. Gherkins are a smaller variety of cucumber, also called a "pickling cucumber." They can be nubby-skinned. They are easy to grow, and many gardeners have them in large numbers because they are easy to pickle. Ingredients: 8 quarts fresh green tomatoes 1-quart large pickling cucumbers (aka gherkins) 2 green peppers 4 onions 1 cup salt 1 cup sugar 1 T. whole peppercorns...