One-der-Land at Last

After a month of hovering right at 200 lbs, I've finally broken the barrier and stepped into One-der-Land. My scale read a delightful 199.4 lbs this morning.

Honey, you know I'm afraid to eat now! LOL!

Lena Austin

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Rebekah said…
YEAY!!!! WELCOME TO ONE-DER-LAND!!! That's fantastic!!!! You're doing great!
Anonymous said…
Have a feel good day you have earned it. Best wishes to you and Congrat's. imaluckydog
Lee Plumb said…
Thank you, ladies! It's been a looong time coming.
WHOOO HOOO!!! Sorry I'm coming to the par-tay late, but I've got my dancing shoes on *dancing the Lena jig* You SO deserve this GF!!! Lots of hard work got you here, enjoy every minute of it!!!!!
Lee Plumb said…
My weight fluctuates between 199 and 201, but I have seen the promised land! Woohoo!

I'm still a Scale Whore, but now I pay more attention to how my clothes fit and how I feel than what the scale says.

Those sparkly size 17 jeans slide on, and I am one happy old lady!

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