Weight loss update and lockdown

 It's kind of official. I've lost at least 75 pounds now, if you start from the highest weight I know about, which was 297 lbs. That's the day I got very, very scared and told myself, "This has to stop." As of my doctor visit last Friday, I weigh 222 lbs. 

I've been struggling with weight loss since COVID-19 hit and we went into lockdown. Not for any good reason, really. I stopped monitoring what I ate. That's it. And that's a stupid reason I can't blame on the lockdown. 

Truthfully, I'm lucky. I'm an introvert. I don't care if I go weeks without being physically in the company of humans. I love Zoom. I can talk and get business done without feeling social anxiety. I like text and email. That's "personal contact" enough for me. 

I used pushing the lawn mower as exercise. In the heat of Florida, that's a workout! We have a battery powered lawnmower that lasts between 30-45 minutes before it needs a charge. That's a whole lot of sweating, pushing, and occasionally foul language. 

I'm back on track now. Or, at least trying to be. I'm not perfect. But 


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