Baked Eggs

· Baked Eggs

Baked eggs are also called shirred eggs. If desired, they may be baked in ramekins, Pyrex custard cups, or even Corelle cereal bowls. These are the best "fast" breakfast, because they can be frozen and heated up in the microwave (on Low) and eaten on the run.

Butter or margarine
6 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
2 T light cream or milk
6 T shredded cheese
crumbled bacon, Spam cubes, cooked broccoli, or other addistions, as desired

Heat about 4-8 cups of water. Keep hot until needed.
Butter a custard cup for each egg. Carefully break eggs into the prepared custard cups; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add 1 tsp cream to each cup. Set cups in a baking pan; place on oven rack. Pour hot water around the cups in pan to a depth of 1 inch. Bake in a 325F oven about 20 minutes or until the eggs are firm.

If desired, meat and vegetables may be added to the custard cup before adding the egg, and after 15 minutes of cooking, add 1 T of cheese per cup. Continue baking 5-10 minutes or more until eggs, filling, and cheese are cooked through.

2 eggs per serving. With only cheese, 263 calories and 2 carbs. Additional carbs and calories will vary according to optional choices.


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