The Stupid Burns Worse than the Florida Sun

I'm putting my head in my hands. My brain pains me and my shuddering won't cease. I'm almost nauseated at the stupidity and outright prejudice described below.

I just saw some female on a video recording herself talking about how we're going to be fine in Jacksonville because --get this!-- we (she, I'm guessing) drinks Natural Lite beer from aluminum cans and not like the "Mexicans" in Miami who drink Corona beer in glass bottles. And because we (again, I assume she) eat lots of salty foods like bacon, grits, and boiled peanuts then we can't get the Covid-19 virus.

Moreover, she firmly believes that because we ingest all that "natural" beer and salty foods, we're so safe that there's no reason to close our beaches. I'm surprised she didn't bring up the fact that the ocean is salty. Or was that too much science for her?

I don't even want to bring up or mention her prejudiced assumptions that there are just "Mexicans" in Miami, instead of the many emigrants from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the other Hispanic/Latino places. Not to mention other races that also live in Miami. It makes me cringe to hear that kind of prejudice.

I'm beginning to seriously consider immigrating to some other smarter country, like Germany or France.


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