Post Surgery Follow up with Dr. M and Tempering my Tea

Woke up early, and excited to visit Dr. M. Left on time, and arrived a little early at 8 AM. Got weighed and registered the official 254 lbs. I'm good with that, since my home scale dipped below 250 recently. I should be hitting the 3-week slump soon, and that's fine. Now's the time to up my game.

Biggest News: I can return to work at last starting Thursday 11/21/2019. Already contacted the boss, scanned the documents, and emailed Sedgewick. Whew!! So ready!

Doc released me to start puree'd foods. Can't wait to tuck into a few of my favorites, and even the fishes I'm allowed. Still, I'll be good and introduce one new food at a time. I've not had a single dumping syndrome episode or any other food intolerance. This is going almost too well.

I can start my elliptical too. Considering it's often cold out there right now, my elliptical will be my friend until spring/or at least warm days where I have no excuse.

In both cases above, it's time to turn on the trackers and set some goals. Goals like 80mg of protein a day. I also just lowered the calories allowed to 1200. That's reasonable. Trying to be sensible.

The lump and "stab" in my left side at one of the incision sites is my body's reaction to a stitch. Doc says it will go away in time. I think I'll try a heating pad on it. Maybe that will help.

My morning nausea is my blood sugar bottoming out. Get a protein shake or protein tea to keep bedside or make it first thing. It will stabilize eventually. Now that I can eat eggs, this will help. Oatmeal! Cream of Wheat! Will I miss nuts for awhile? Yep. But I can have soft fruit like bananas and peaches, as long as I mush them up. That's fine, especially when added to a shake, yogurt, or hot cereal. Won't hurt me to sip my tea before I shower, since I've discovered eating mindfully (for me) means sitting at the table, not my desk.

Protein tea is pretty darn good, now that I know the "secret" to get the protein stirred in with plain old water as a slurry before adding more hot water (Gently! Add a little at a time to "temper" the protein prevents "breaking" into ugly, nasty, little blobs.) Once the cup is full of hot water, the tea bag can be added, and I have a good-for-me tea to sip. This technique also works when adding protein powder to any hot food.

Well, off to the races. The Impeachment Hearings are in their second week, and things are getting desperate for the Republicans. I've heard they had the nerve to attack Vinmann, a decorated war veteran, and question his loyalty. Makes my blood boil as a veteran's widow.


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