Jell-o Jigglers Kid and Adult Version

Jell-o Jigglers

Who didn't love these as a kid? So simple, so easy, so…easy to turn into an adult naughtiness. (That recipe is at the bottom.)

Molds are available just about anywhere! Or just use cookie cutters.

Adult Jigglers

Warning! Do not serve these to kids!


·         1 1/2 cup water
·         3/4 cup vodka (check out flavored vodkas for variety!)
·         2, 4- serving packages of Jell-O


1.     Boil the water in a small sauce pan over high heat.
2.     Add the Jell-O to a small bowl.
3.     Add the boiled water to the bowl with the jello.
4.     Stir until the Jell-O has been completely dissolved.

Pour into the molds and allow to set. A dip in hot water for a few seconds should release the jigglers from the mold. Keep them cool! 


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