Praline Yams


Praline Yams

I started out cutting out recipes from the backs of bottles, boxes, cans and jars when I was 17. This recipe isn't quite that old, but it does specify a certain brand of yam. Recipes from a brand name usually highlighted the best way to use the food inside the package. They aren't some dodgy recipe off the net, but carefully chosen and tested recipes whose purpose is clearly understood: to get you to buy the product. 

Notes: No need for marshmallows, but whipped cream is excellent. 


Disclaimer: I am not a chef, nor a licensed food service professional of any kind. I'm a grandmother who loves to cook and loves efficient cooking. Anything I post has been checked out by me, but in no way do I guarantee that my suggestions will work for you. YMMV (Your mileage may vary.) Some links may give the original poster a small commission on products sold via the link. I personally am not an affiliate, nor do I earn commissions on products. The links provided are examples of what's available online. 

Lena Austin


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