Sparkling Cranberry Rose


Yes, it's that easy. If you happen to have cocktail skewers for the cranberry garnish, just lay the filled skewer across the rim and don't bother trying to float it. That just forces the guests to use their fingers to fish the thing out. Remember that your cocktail picks can be a way to mark a guest's drink, so consider skewers that are not all the same, or use beads/charms on hoop earrings to make each glass distinctive. Inexpensive charms for jewelry making are available cheaply at Amazon and craft stores.  

Sources: I recommend Cooper's Hawk Sparkling Bubbly Rose Cooper's Hawk | Bubbly Rosé (


Disclaimer: I am not a chef, nor a licensed food service professional of any kind. I'm a grandmother who loves to cook and loves efficient cooking. Anything I post has been checked out by me, but in no way do I guarantee that my suggestions will work for you. YMMV (Your mileage may vary.) Some links may give the original poster a small commission on products sold via the link. I personally am not an affiliate, nor do I earn commissions on products. The links provided are examples of what's available online. 

Lena Austin


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