Stuffin Muffins and What to Do with the Turkey Frame the day after


Stuffin Muffins

The original recipe came from Rachel Ray, and I thought it was so brilliant, I've kept the recipe just for the idea alone. The concept of avoiding food poisoning by serving stuffing in "muffin mounds" is genius! (Picture Wile E. Coyote and his "Super Genius" gloat.) Personally, I cut back on the onion a trifle and I use my own chicken stock, but if you don't have stock at home, buy it. 

I disagree with her regarding buying the celery sticks already cut. WHAT? Pay more for sticks alone when I could save those tops for turkey stock? My Depression-Era grandmother would spin like a top in her grave if I was that wasteful, especially when I'll have onion tops, carrot tops, and a turkey carcass right at hand the next day. I don't need to be haunted by such a formidable woman, thanks. 

Admittedly, I can see why Rachel recommends using pre-cuts, but pre-cut your veggies yourself. You'll save time and money. Just buy your carrots, onions, leeks, etc. and cut them up as you would on any other grocery day. (Yes, I harp on this tune often.) By having pre-cut veggies already waiting in the fridge, it's a grab-and-go timesaver on an already hectic day. Just save those skins and tops this time in one bag. The day after Thanksgiving, drop the sad remains of the turkey frame, the veggie tops, and add enough water to cover in the slow cooker. In 6-8 hours, turn off the slow cooker and allow to cool enough to remove the fat. I just let it cool on the counter, then pop the crock in the fridge overnight. In the morning, the fat comes off in a disk and can be saved for later use and the rest of the broth can be strained and put in quart freezer bags for later soups and sauces all winter long. No stress, no strain. I happen to have turkey stock in my freezer from last year, so my stuffin muffins will be made with turkey stock. 

Sources: The Food Network, c. 2005


Disclaimer: I am not a chef, nor a licensed food service professional of any kind. I'm a grandmother who loves to cook and loves efficient cooking. Anything I post has been checked out by me, but in no way do I guarantee that my suggestions will work for you. YMMV (Your mileage may vary.) Some links may give the original poster a small commission on products sold via the link. I personally am not an affiliate, nor do I earn commissions on products. The links provided are examples of what's available online. 

Lena Austin


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