Chili Seasoning Mix

 Chili Seasoning Mix 

Ever wish you could have a magical amount of chili seasoning mix to toss in with some ground beef, tomatoes, and beans and call it a day? Now you can. Mix several of these in small batches and store in zip-top snack sized bags with labels. Dinner can be done in a jiffy. 

Note that this recipe was written before the invention of the Instant Pot. Saute the ground beef (or brown in the air fryer) and use a paper towel held in tongs to absorb the excess grease. Throw in the rest of the ingredients, set to slow cook until the time you want to serve, and cover. No need to pressure lock, so if you have a glass top lid that fits your Instant Pot like I do, you can just put the lid on top and walk away. 


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