Slice and Bake Sugar Cookies

Slice and Bake Sugar Cookies 

This is another "prepare for the holidays now!" recipes. By making these up and stowing them for later, you make your life easier when you get the "Mom! I forgot to tell you that I'm supposed to bring cookies to the class party tomorrow!" It happens to all of us. Save your stress and have these rolls ready in the freezer. 

Note that there are thousands of ways to up the cookie game besides sprinkling colored sugar or dumping on some frosting. One of my favorites is to take the foot of a toy T-rex and other dinosaurs for cookies that have been "walked on" by dinosaurs. 

I'm the surprise cookie obsessed that wraps cookie dough in caramels and other candies. Have a great time and I hope you learned a lot from this one post. Let me know what's your favorite method or trick to making cookies that wow. 


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